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电话: 022-68117005
传真: 022-68117001
姓名: hannah
Tianjin Zhongshun

  The company now has 3 longitudinally H.F. welded pipe mills, 6 spirally double-side submerged arc welded pipe mills, and 2 anti-corrosion pipe mills. Our main products: ERW: D: 21.7-457.2mm; T: 1.8-14.27mm Spirally submerged arc welded pipe: D: 219-3040mm; T: 5.0-30mm Application: for oil pipe, casing, line pipe in petroleum and natural gas, structural pipe, line pipe in mineral slurry and bittern, water and gas; and also being used for chemical industry, electric power engineering, building

主要产品/业务: welded steel pipe ERW

Tianjin Zhongshun / 天津 / 天津静海大邱庄 (300200) / 电话:022-68117005

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